Ignition parameter
2nd safety time
Safety time oil gun
Irrelevance time during ignition
Number of ignition attempts
Main gas valve 1 opens with ignition valves
Entering 0.0 to 60.0 seconds corresponds to 0 to 600 as a parameter value.
On steam pressure atomizer burners on which automatic blow out of the oil gun is parameterized, you can configure a second safety time which is extended by the filling time (= "safety time oil gun").
This "safety time oil gun" is only relevant when:
the fuel is liquid (Fuel type)
automatic blow out of the oil gun is activated (Automatic blow out)
ignition takes place with ignition flame (Ignition)
Defines the "safety time oil gun" until ignition of the main burner, including the oil gun filling time (= second safety time).
The system automatically uses the "safety time oil gun" if the oil gun doesn't contain any fuel. The system automatically uses the "safety time oil gun" if the oil gun doesn't contain any fuel.
Determine the filling time of the oil gun and add this filling time to the safety time (2nd safety time).
Floating point
2013; 2015; 2109