It is used to display as wide a variety of visualizations as possible on the HMI without the need for separate programming. Based on a suitable background (e.g. cross-section of a boiler), a limited number of active elements (e.g. a pressure monitor or a temperature indicator) can be positioned on this background and configured.
There is a total of three customer visualizations. For each customer visualization, 25 elements can be placed.
You must (externally, e.g. with "Paint") generate a background bitmap in the format 640x385, on which all static elements are drawn. On this background, you can then position active elements such as pressure monitors or motors.
Every configuration of the visualization must be carried out using the se@vis System Builder.
- Limit value switch (PZL, TZL, HZ, etc.)
Representation possibilities:
Contact closed (green)
Contact open (white)
Error (red)
PZL: Contact open
- Valves (2- or 3-way valve)
Representation possibilities:
Limit position "open" reached (green/flow rate).
Limit position "open" not reached (white/no flow rate).
3-way valve: Fault if both limit positions reached (red).
3-way valve: In motion if no limit position reached (yellow).
- Physical values
Display of a random value that is read in via an analog channel.
Representation possibilities:
- Text
Freely placeable text that must be individually (texts with ID > 5000) created. Can be used if the text needs to be multilingual. As an option, the text can be permanently written onto the background image. The font color is black. The text has a colored background and no frame.
- Pumps
Representation possibilities:
- Fan
Representation possibilities:
- Motor
Representation possibilities:
- Damper
Representation possibilities:
Limit position open reached (green)
Limit position closed reached (white)
No limit position reached (yellow)
- Icon
This element provides the option of choosing from a fixed selection of symbols. These are displayed or hidden.
Representation possibilities: