
HMI licensing

Each HMI requires a product activation by means of a license key.

If the HMI is not yet enabled, the following view appears regularly:

To license the HMI, you must first request a license key using the seavis System Builder and then enter this license key on the view.


The product can also be run without entering a license key (or with a wrong license key). However, you are then prompted regularly to activate the product.

  1. If you have rights to create licenses, activate edit mode (see Activating edit mode).


    All license keys which are generated for HMI devices using the seavis System Builder are saved in a central database. Local installations are automatically synchronized with this database via the internet. Therefore ensure that you are connected to the Internet when generating the license key. If you are not, you can also connect to the Internet at a later time and restart the seavis System Builder. Then the required data will automatically be synchronized with the database before the program starts.

  2. In the "Tools" menu, click on "HMI license key wizard". The following window opens:

  3. Complete all fields correctly.

    You must read the "Product number" from the HMI.

  4. Press the button to request the license key (as an alternative to the key to create, if you have the rights).

  5. Within the next two working days, you will receive an e-mail containing the license key.
