
Digital channels: Constant value

You can use the constant value function to assign a fixed value to an input or output signal. This always affects the signal source:

  • For digital inputs: The raw value.

  • For digital outputs: The channel value.


Please note the following if you are configuring settings on the HMI:

The enabled constant value function is saved when the configuration is backed up. The function may therefore continue to be active even after the HMI is restarted.

When you save the value entered here, it is also saved in the HMI configuration. This function should therefore not be used for test purposes. The test value function is provided for this purpose.

  1. Activate the constant value function by selecting "ON" in the "Constant ON" field.

  2. Enter the required constant value ("TRUE"/"FALSE") in the "Constant value" field

  3. This value replaces the real value until the constant value function is deactivated again.
