
HMI compound curves parametrization instructions


HMI curves cannot be reused in the various operation modes. If you want, e.g., a HMI curve for a controller setpoint, a function block must be created for each operation mode.

  1. Create a new function block of type HMI curve.

  2. Set the function block ID.

  3. Activate the function block.

  4. Enter a brief descriptive text (e.g. "dP setpoint").

  5. Set the external release to the digital channel "Constant TRUE", unless you have special requirements.

  6. Set the analog input contact to the channel for the current load position.

  7. Where applicable, consider which analog channel should be written to the output if no release is available.

  8. Set the required analog output channel (e.g. external setpoint of a controller) as an output contact.

  9. In the required operation mode in the compound channel selection, choose the function block ID adjusted here.
